Design guide
Logo on the website

Logo in the emails

Logo on the receipts

The primary button is for when you want to attract extra attention.
The secondary button is for when you do not need to attract special attention.
The tertiary button is most often used when you need a design that work for example on top of images.
Ecommerce tags
The sale tag will automatically be on products that has a discount.
The new tag can be set to appear on the newest products.
The custom tag has a custom text and is specific to the products where it is enabled.
Footer tekst
Fanø Vesterhavsbads Golfklub
Golfvejen 5
Fanø Bad
6720 Fanø
Tlf: +21 29 42 49
telefontid mandag-fredag kl. 9-12
CVR: 25838041
EAN: 5797200085054
LAG har støttet til indkøb af arbejdsvogn og greenklipper, og det har allerede betydet en stor forbedring af banen, til glæde for indbyggere og gæster på Fanø.